Young Living’s glamping beauty school is currently going on this week up here in Idaho and we are only 20 minutes away from the YL farm where it is being held at. My mom is attending, and I went with her one night for all the beauty DIYs they had. And I am so glad I did because this beauty DIY is a life changer! Making your own makeup palette is sooo simple and fun with savvy minerals! 
I love how you can completely customize it with eyeshadows, blushes, bronzers, foundation, and even lipstick. You can even create your own colors. And it’s super easy to do with savvy minerals because its powder makeup, and it’s all natural, so you don’t have to worry about chemicals or the makeup not forming well enough.
I had a lot of fun experimenting with making this pressed palette and I ended up doing two blushes, one bronzer, one lipstick, and several eyeshadows.What’s super awesome about this beauty DIY is that you can put most of your makeup necessities in the palette and use it while traveling for saving space! And it’s way easier to use instead of messy powder. The empty palette I got has magnetic removable pans and a nice big mirror with a cute lettered saying on it. I found the same palette on amazon( I linked to it below), it just doesn’t have the customization.
I hope you enjoy this awesome beauty DIY and try it out!
- Empty palette- This is the non-customized version of the one I have
- Savvy minerals of choice or savvy minerals lipstick (to learn more about savvy minerals click HERE)
- Candle and spoon if doing lipstick
- Popsicle sticks or small plastic spatulas
- Young Living ART Refreshing Toner in a small dropper bottle
- Paper towels
- Quarter
- Take the plastic insert out of the eyeshadow container using your nails, a popsicle stick, or a butter knife- be careful, it plumes!
- Add about 30 drops of ART toner in the eyeshadow and gently mix until it has the consistency of mud.
3. Scoop out the mixture into the eyeshadow pan and gently spread into it. Place a small piece of paper towel on it and put a quarter over it and gently press on it. Remove the paper towel and quarter and place pan in eyeshadow palette. Don’t touch it- it’s wet. It should look something like this:
Let it dry for about two hours. And that’s it for the eyeshadow!
- Take out the plastic insert from inside the makeup container and scoop out a nice teaspoon or so and put into a small bowl.
- Add the toner, until the consistency is like mud and spreadable. You made need to add a little more powder and toner if it’s not enough to fill the pan.
- Spread it into the eyeshadow pan and place a small piece of a paper towel over it and a quarter over that. Press down gently and then remove.
- Place in palette and let it dry.
- Light the candle and scrape the top part off of the lipstick.
- Put it in the spoon and hold over the candle, mixing with a popsicle stick until melted.
- Pour into a eyeshadow pan and let it cool and harden.
Place all your eyeshadow pans into the palette and let everything dry and harden- about two hours. Enjoy!
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